30-day Raw Diet Challenge

My husband and I have decided to try a 30-day raw diet. If after that 30-days we decide to stay 100% raw, that would be great! Follow and support us along our journey!

Friday, February 5, 2010

What do I need to get started?

Through my research, there are a few things that are necessary to be successful on a raw diet. I guess these things aren't mandatory, but it'll sure make your life a lot easier.

The Juicer: When we made the decision to become vegetarians, we invested in a really good juicer. We got this one: http://www.omegajuicersdirect.com/ It's the Omega 8006. It's a masticating juicer which is a low-speed unit that can juice the same items as a Centrifugal and Pulp Ejection while also having the ability to juice wheatgrass and leafy greens. It also has other functions: pasta extrusion, mincing, grinding and nut butters.

The Blender: I did a ton of research on which blender to get. They are NOT cheap so I wanted to be sure to get the "right" one. Most often you'll hear the brand Vita-Mix as the most common one out there. Well, there's a competitor called Blendtec that has recently come out with a blender that does everything the Vita-Mix does but it has a 4-inch blade! This puts the Blendtec far above the rest and made this an easy decision for me. Here it is: http://www.blendtec.com/productDetails.aspx?id=1350 Here's the video showing the difference that helped me to make my choice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO7bkHxiQEM

The Dehydrator: It seemed that the more recipes I read the more I came to the realization that I would need a dehydrator. And if you don't know me by now, I don't fool around when it comes to being prepared. I went for the BIG DADDY! Over and over I kept hearing about the brand Excalibur. So, I did my research and sure enough, that's the one I went with. Here it is: http://www.excaliburdehydrator.com/9-Tray-Large-Excalibur-3900-68-37-regular-prod.htm

The Spiralizer: In order to make all the cool dishes (such as spaghetti), I had to have a spiralizer, right! lol It isn't in yet but I can't wait to use it: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007Y9WHQ/ref=oss_product

The Book:Believe it or not, there are actually a lot of books on the subject! One that caught my attention was for beginners like me and included a 30-day plan which includes recipes, grocery lists and TONS of other information! So yep, this was definitely the book for me! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0974896306/ref=oss_product
So, as you can see, I don't fool around. Once I set my mind on something, I DO IT! I will be blogging my progression along the way and I believe our "day 1" will be on Sunday, February 7. Wish us luck!!

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