30-day Raw Diet Challenge

My husband and I have decided to try a 30-day raw diet. If after that 30-days we decide to stay 100% raw, that would be great! Follow and support us along our journey!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. My house got the sickies last week and although I usually escape it, I didn't this time :( I started feeling bad Thursday evening and by Friday I couldn't get out of bed. I'm wondering how much worse it would have been had I been eating a regular vegetarian diet but as my kids were all throwing up, all I had was man-sized burps and terrible stomach pains. I stayed in bed all day Friday and by Friday night all I wanted to do was resort back to my old sick comfortfoods. All I wanted was some toast, crackers and good ole chicken soup. I argued with myself and my husband until we both agreed it would be a good idea to eat some crackers then I thought better of it and ate an apple. lol It helped. By Saturday I was feeling better but still didn't eat much. Today is Sunday and I feel almost back to normal. The silver lining in the whole thing is I lost 2-3lbs. YAY! Oh, and I won the Biggest Loser of the week last week!! I lost 2.5 lbs last week :) I think I'm liking this raw diet more and more! Oh and I did the 30 day shred dvd 4 times last week. That probably helped. I think I'll start it again today :)

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