30-day Raw Diet Challenge

My husband and I have decided to try a 30-day raw diet. If after that 30-days we decide to stay 100% raw, that would be great! Follow and support us along our journey!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 5!

Me and Mr Scale met this morning like we do every morning and he had good news for me! I'm down 3 pounds!! That's 3lbs in 4 days! WHOOT WHOOT!!

Fruit smoothie

spinach salad with strawberries and dressing (homemade raw dressing, of course!)

Pizza (raw, homemade - not sure why I feel the need to clarify that. lol)

2nd Dinner:
We went to dinner with some friends of ours so I brought our own dressing and ordered a green salad. It was yummy! And I wasn't even tempted by the bread that was brought and placed in the center of the table :) YAY ME!

couple bites of cheesecake
couple bites of leftover torte
couple bites of granola I have in the dehydrator (have to keep testing it, right!?!)

I think that's it!

I can't wait to go to my Biggest Looser Challenge on Thursday night. If I don't win I'm going to be a little disappointed. I'd really like to blow everyone right out of the water. I wish I had time to exercise because i think that would help with the weight loss even more! 10 more pounds and I WILL start working out. My ankles just can't handle it yet. It was a good day!!

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