30-day Raw Diet Challenge

My husband and I have decided to try a 30-day raw diet. If after that 30-days we decide to stay 100% raw, that would be great! Follow and support us along our journey!

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Plan

February 4, 2010

I have decided to take on a 30-day raw food challenge. This is a challenge between me, myself and I. What is a raw challenge you might ask? Well, it's where everything you eat is a raw or living food; NO COOKED OR PROCESSED FOODS! Yes, this sounds like quite the challenge, doesn't it? Well, let me tell you a little bit about me and why I think I will succeed at such a challenge :)

About a year ago my husband and I made the decision to become vegetarians for our health! We felt that as a family we ate too many processed foods, foods high in sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Together as a family we watched a few documentaries such as The Beautiful Truth, Super Size Me and Corn something-or-another. Russell, my husband, had been on high blood pressure medicine for years and I was having trouble with my rotator cuff (due to an injury) and it was froze up on me! I thought cutting meat out of our diets would leave us with NOTHING to eat! Boy was I wrong! Within 2-weeks of cutting meat out of my diet, my shoulder was no longer in a locked position and I could actually reach the back of my head again! Imagine how much easier this made it to wash my hair! HA! We cut out all sodas and coffee at this time too. I started cooking healthy meals with more variety than ever! Even our kids, on their own accord, decided to travel down the path to better health and they too became vegetarians. Within 1 month Russell lost over 15-pounds, no longer takes medicine for his blood pressure and felt better than ever. I only lost a few pounds, but I didn't consume all the soda he did on a daily basis. We have had so much fun over the past 12 months exploring new foods, jucing and looking and feeling our best, we felt it was time to take it to the next level - going RAW!!

I have done a ton of research on this topic as I don't like to start anything new without a clear understanding of how to do it successfully. Last month Russ and I attended a raw, vegan pot-luck. What a wonderful experience!! This showed us that there is more to being raw than eating masses amounts of salads everyday. What a wonderful group of beautiful, healthy people! Our 10 year old son come with us to this event and he too loved everything! His favorite was dehydrated kale!! I never imagined in 100 years that MY KID would eat and even go as far to say he LOVES KALE!! HAHA! There were soups and salads, casseroles, and spaghetti, chocolate pudding and banana crepes! It truly was quite the experience. And guess what?? NO FAT PEOPLE! Everyone looked healthy and truly cared about their health. These are the type of people I need to surround myself with :)

Why do I want to go raw? What is MY motivation? My first thought on this is, WOW! I can loose weight and eat all the food I want!! IT'S TRUE!! From my studies, I feel that I'll immediately loose 15 MUCH NEEDED weight. Who needs more motivation than that!! LOL Okay, okay....in addition to the weight loss, eating a raw diet will put your body into an alkaline state and guess what? Disease and illness can not survive in an alkaline state! I know a young 27 year old woman with 2 young children who is battling cancer right now and fighting for her life. I have friends and family who are on all sorts of medication to help balance their bodies. My own mother died at the young age of 45! I DO NOT WANT TO FOLLOW IN THESE FOOTSTEPS! The answers are all right there, in plain English, in black and white. DIET IS THE KEY! If you eat ONLY live and living foods, YOU WILL BE HEALTHIER! It's not rocket science! So, there you have it - my motivation :) My husband has decided to embark on this journey with me so together we hope to be a healthier and happier couple.

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