30-day Raw Diet Challenge

My husband and I have decided to try a 30-day raw diet. If after that 30-days we decide to stay 100% raw, that would be great! Follow and support us along our journey!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 4

Day 4 and all is well!! Russ said his energy level didn't bottom out around 2pm like it usually does and said he's feeling great!! "Pants on the ground, pants on the ground...." that's how I feel!! I haven't seen the scale move but maybe one notch to the left but my pants are falling down all over the place! We'll see what Mr. Scale says in the morning :)

Fruit smoothie

a couple scoops of Fettuccine Alfredo on flax seed crackers.

Rest of the Fettuccine Alfredo (about 8 bites) and a slice of a torte I made (1 inch x 2 inches or so).

I keep thinking that I must have eaten something else but I just can't figure it out! The book says that your body will adjust to less food and I guess mine has!! It says that raw food is so high in nutrients that it needs less to survive on than dead, cooked food. Makes since to me! Can't wait to see what the scale says on Thursday night! I'm doing a Biggest Loser Challenge with a group of about 20 women. This Thursday will be week 6 of 10. I SOOOO want to win this challenge. IF I win, I will take the money (along with some tax refund money) and book a cruise with my hubby for our Anniversary. So far I've lost close to 7 lbs! I know I can, I know I can, I know I can....

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