30-day Raw Diet Challenge

My husband and I have decided to try a 30-day raw diet. If after that 30-days we decide to stay 100% raw, that would be great! Follow and support us along our journey!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fettuccini Alfredo

This is a recipe from the book Living on Live Foods by Alissa Cohen.

Excerpt from the book: It tastes so much like genuine Fettuccini Alfredo that my cooked food friends adore it! You'll love the ease in creating it, along with its creamy Alfredo taste and texture. For added color and more variety you can add thin slices of red bell pepper, mushrooms or any other vegetables.

2 zucchini
2 summer squash

1 cup cashews
1 cup macadamia nuts
1 cup pine nuts
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cloves garlic
2 teaspoons Bragg Liquid Aminos
2 tablespoons water

1. With a vegetable peeler, peel zucchini and summer squash into long thick strips, These will be your "fettuccini noodles." Set aside in a large bowl.

1. Place the Alfredo ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.
2. Remove from food processor and place in bowl with "noodles".

1. With your hands, blend the Alfredo sauce through the noodles. This will take a few minutes as the sauce will be thick. The water from the vegetables will help thin it out while you kneed it together with your hands.

EXCELLENT!! I doubled the recipe thinking the kids would eat it but they didn't care for it. We had TONS of sauce left over. Next time I will make the sauce as is in the recipe and only double the noodles. But now we will use the sauce on chips and breads and so forth. All raw, of course :)

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