30-day Raw Diet Challenge

My husband and I have decided to try a 30-day raw diet. If after that 30-days we decide to stay 100% raw, that would be great! Follow and support us along our journey!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 24!

I can not believe I have eaten raw for a full 24 days so far. I have wavered once. Friday night we went out to dinner and I didn't feel like preparing a salad dressing to take with me so I just ordered a Caesar Salad. I should have ordered it without cheese but I didn't realize it would have cheese on it! I only used a drizzle of the dressing (thank goodness it came on the side) but Russell ordered a Veggie burger with sweet potato fries and I just HAD to have a couple!! Oh, and on Saturday Caley got a sushi roll from HEB which I used to LOVE and I HAD to have a piece and you know what? I didn't really care for it!! So other than those little things, I have eaten nothing but raw fruits and veggies for 23 days!! Russell has also done very well. Last Wednesday he wasn't feeling well and reverted back to his "comfort foods" and insisted on me ordering a pizza. lol He ate 3 slices and really regretted it the next day. His digestive tract was NOT happy about him eating that pizza! The next day, he had a veggie burger and said it wasn't very tasty. And Friday night he had a veggie burger and sweet potato fries but otherwise, has stuck to it pretty good :) I'm so proud of him!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 18

Yesterday was day 18.

fruit smoothie

Onions, spiraled zucchini and portabello mushrooms marinated in Braggs sauce then placed on a collard green leaf with 1/2 avocado sliced. This is so yummy and becoming one of my favorite "go to" foods.

1 piece of blueberry pie
1 fruit smoothie

I feel like I ate more than that but I certainly don't remember eating more than that! HA!

My weight this morning was 131lbs. YAY! 6 more pounds to my short term goal :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I started on Feb 6 at 138lbs
Today, Feb 21 I'm at 133lbs
Not bad for 2 weeks!

Russ started at 188lbs
Today weights 178lbs and looks fantastic!

OH! And his blood pressure reading last night was lower than I've EVER seen it! 119/72YAY!!


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. My house got the sickies last week and although I usually escape it, I didn't this time :( I started feeling bad Thursday evening and by Friday I couldn't get out of bed. I'm wondering how much worse it would have been had I been eating a regular vegetarian diet but as my kids were all throwing up, all I had was man-sized burps and terrible stomach pains. I stayed in bed all day Friday and by Friday night all I wanted to do was resort back to my old sick comfortfoods. All I wanted was some toast, crackers and good ole chicken soup. I argued with myself and my husband until we both agreed it would be a good idea to eat some crackers then I thought better of it and ate an apple. lol It helped. By Saturday I was feeling better but still didn't eat much. Today is Sunday and I feel almost back to normal. The silver lining in the whole thing is I lost 2-3lbs. YAY! Oh, and I won the Biggest Loser of the week last week!! I lost 2.5 lbs last week :) I think I'm liking this raw diet more and more! Oh and I did the 30 day shred dvd 4 times last week. That probably helped. I think I'll start it again today :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 13

I never in a hundred years thought that I'd look forward to eating COLLARD GREENS! HA! They are wonderful!! This afternoon for lunch I had avocado, squash, carrots, red onions, sprouts and Braggs sauce on collard green leaves! I wrapped them like a wrap and it was SOOO good!! I made 2 and decided they were so good I made 2 more :)

I'm not sure what is for dinner yet but I'm sure I'll come up with something new and exciting!

We had avocado, apple slices and honey in lettuce wraps! YUM!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 10!

Did you think I fell off the face of the earth? lol Sorry I haven't kept up with the blog like I wanted to. It's been a busy few days.

Anyway! Russ is down 8lbs in 10 days; his blood pressure is lower than it's been in years (126/86); his energy level is consistent and he says he feels like he's in his 20's again! I think the scale is finally starting to move again, my shoulders feel good and I started a workout routine today. I wasn't going to do it for a few more pounds but figured with the hey. I'm down to 134lbs based on my scale. We'll see what Erika's scale says Thursday night (Biggest Loser weigh-in night).

We ate great all weekend. I've been busy writing a paper so my brain is mush but I'll recap today's food intake:

The usual - fruit smoothie

This was "eat whatever is left in the fridge" day. We had yellow squash spaghetti, avocados, red onion, mung bean sprouts, spinach leaves and Braggs sauce all on a collard green leaf wrap! Sounds weird or disgusting but it was OUTSTANDING!!

Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms - these were good and I don't even LIKE Mushrooms!
I've only had Portabello Mushrooms twice in my lifetime - once last week and once today. THEY DON'T TASTE LIKE MUSHROOMS! These ones were great. We've become addicted to Braggs Liquid Aminos. It's kind of like Soy Sauce, but it's raw, unprocessed and uncooked. I fixed some guacamole (avocado, onion, tomato and a little salt), laid the mushroom on a plate stem up, poured a little Braggs on the mushroom and a little on the plate to help marinate the mushroom, then "stuffed" it with the guacamole! It was delicious!!

For desert Caley fixed us some uncooked brownies! They were DELICIOUS! I have no idea where she found the recipe but I'll definitely post it here once I find it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 6

Granola (YUM! YUM!)
Fruit Smoothie

Mock Salmon Pate on a Romaine lettuce leaf

Pad Thai

Still eating on that torte
some granola
couple bites of corn tortilla