30-day Raw Diet Challenge

My husband and I have decided to try a 30-day raw diet. If after that 30-days we decide to stay 100% raw, that would be great! Follow and support us along our journey!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 24!

I can not believe I have eaten raw for a full 24 days so far. I have wavered once. Friday night we went out to dinner and I didn't feel like preparing a salad dressing to take with me so I just ordered a Caesar Salad. I should have ordered it without cheese but I didn't realize it would have cheese on it! I only used a drizzle of the dressing (thank goodness it came on the side) but Russell ordered a Veggie burger with sweet potato fries and I just HAD to have a couple!! Oh, and on Saturday Caley got a sushi roll from HEB which I used to LOVE and I HAD to have a piece and you know what? I didn't really care for it!! So other than those little things, I have eaten nothing but raw fruits and veggies for 23 days!! Russell has also done very well. Last Wednesday he wasn't feeling well and reverted back to his "comfort foods" and insisted on me ordering a pizza. lol He ate 3 slices and really regretted it the next day. His digestive tract was NOT happy about him eating that pizza! The next day, he had a veggie burger and said it wasn't very tasty. And Friday night he had a veggie burger and sweet potato fries but otherwise, has stuck to it pretty good :) I'm so proud of him!


  1. You guys are doing awesome! Is this something you're going to stick with totally or just kinda incorporate into your already healthy lifestyle? Not sure I could go without cheese, I love my cheese! lol

  2. Shawna, we both feel amazing! My mind is so clear, my attitude is so good and we're both losing weight and feel great! It's getting easier and easier to eat this way so I think we're going to stick to it! I am going to try to stay 100% and Russ is going to aim for 80-90% :) I am (or was!) a HUGE bread and cheese addict. I never knew it! But like anything else, the further you get from it, the easier it is to give up (smoking for example). Now I rarely think about bread, cheese and other cooked foods :)
